Wednesday 21 October 2009

That Geriatric Soldier Of Misfortune, Satanic Reverend EUree Gagged-Arsedin Of Brusskie Land Is A Geopolitical Arm-Rash

by: Steven Ilchev

The EU(SSR) is yet another ineffectual, geo-political fallacy intent on mocking years of history that has contributed so much to civilisation. People look after their own homes and not some communal bathroom. Force them into the communal bathroom, and they become even more isolated!

Does one study the history of Europe and think to oneself, 'Such a defining chapter of cultural development!'?... No, because there is NO HISTORY OF EUROPE! Europe has a multitude of great artistically, scientifically, and culturally inspirational nations whose historic annals leave one breathless. Each unique culture can learn so much from the next one and sharing various European customs is always exciting. Do Eurocrats give a flying fig about any of that? No, they force-feed their unwilling subordinates some sort of 'artificial history'.

So, proud English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, and other such whose history avenues are beaming with fascinating illuminations are suddenly reminded by an invasive reptile that is Great-great grandpillock EUree, the big hairy brother that all those years of uniqueness are filth. The bright future is some meaningless blue cloth with an asterix-plagued circle and every policy that emanates from the genie of that Euro-bottle in Brusskie-Land will supercede any previous code of conduct that has become the norm from Galway to Vienna; Stockholm to Naples; Hull to Athens; and Turku to Bratislava. This is no European Union. This is no progress. This is Stalinism of mastodonic proportions and I, for one, would rather be ruled by the Roman Empire. At least its visionaries were true chieftains and not some impractical earnest biro-blowjobbers!

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